The peat of Washington State has entirely different botanicals and microorganisms than the bogs of Scotland and Ireland. It was with wide eyes that we pondered the possibilities of the flavors that lie therein for our own Peated malt. The first two expressions have proven themselves entirely different than traditional Peated whiskeys: our Washington Peated spirits are notably more herbal than the Northern European counterparts. As it goes for us, flora like sphagnum moss and Labrador tea impart a wildflower undertone to the barley in the malting process, which makes for a much more delicate spirit.
Edition 3 of Solum will make its mark as the others did before: breaking down the conventions of what came before, and introducing something entirely new to the world of whiskey. The whiskey itself, aged in New American Oak and refill Westland casks, gives the it a backbone of vanilla and caramel that interplays with the menthol and candied ginger quality of the spirit therein.